Thursday, March 3, 2011

( 18+ year olds thoughts) What do women REALLY think of 21 year old virgins?

I'm a very shy nice guy with about an average build. I have never had a gf or been on a date, I'm a virgin ( not because of religion or for marriage) and i can't wait I can't wait to loose my V card. I noticed in high school that girls always gravitated toward the bad boys and I assumed I would have better luck in college. Wrong, again. Much like high school I found myself always becoming the best friend. I assume I'm to nice of a guy, I'm always told how cute and nice I am. Yet, when it comes down to dating, im never given a chance. Ive found my rejections rather shocking, they would say, " your such a nice/kind/polite guy, and i don't want to mess that friendship up". I'm like really I'm to damn nice, so you can't date me. I know ur thinking " oh there just saying that to be nice". So, again, then what was the reason to reject me? I know i look better then most of the guys I see dating these same girls. So what is the reason? Am I too nice ( generous ), shy ( blush to much/ can't talk at moments ), polite ( always saying please and thank you etc), cute ( look younger then I am) to date? The girls always have so much drama and problems in there relationships with these guys. I beginning to think girls like a lot of stupid drama in a relationship, whereas I despise it. What do I have to do? Do I have to become a mysterious jerk? And I hear all the time girls like guys like me, but im never give a chance, they always go for the bad boy with problems rather then the shy polite guys. Am i too nice, polite, and cute for my own good? Who would give me a chance? Do girls want to have sex with a virgin, would they think that would be weird ? what am I doing wrong?

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